June 2016
Summer has arrived with sunny skies and warm weather. We survived another Winter! We genuinely hope all of our clients are able to enjoy some relaxation this summer under the sun. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
Annual Reviews:
Every year our goal is to meet with each and every client to review portfolios, update any information and catch up on any life changes. This is not only to ensure we have up to date information for compliance but to ensure we continue to build our relationships and to ensure your portfolio still matches your lifestyle and vision. We enjoy working not just for our clients but with you.
Please let us know if you have any changes to your personal information such as address or phone number, or let us know if you would prefer to be contacted by email. If returning our call after hours feel free to leave a detailed message on how best to reach you. We genuinely look forward to hearing from you. It might be time for your Annual Review soon!
To Our Clients:
To answer a question regularly asked of us- yes, we are open to referrals. If you have a close family member, friend or coworker who is interested in bringing their portfolio to us here at HollisWealth we look forward to hearing from you/them. Please keep in mind we have a minimum portfolio value for any new client (speak to Roman for details).
Financial Life Planning:
This Spring our office has been educating ourselves on new ways to better serve our clients long term. We have learned a great deal and are looking forward to sharing with everyone when you come in for your annual review, visit or to discuss any other concerns or opportunities.
Steven has been educating on a new software program that creates a retirement plan. Our new program takes financial and lifestyle information into account and using its innovative algorithms and calculations will create several scenarios for your financial future. This method allows us to quickly analyze your financial and risk management needs and can assist Roman in making crucial recommendations for your future.
For those with concerns about estate taxes please contact our office to set up a time with Roman to discuss EAT: Estate Administrative Tax and how we can work together to minimize any cost to you. We have come across new opportunities for applicable clients to keep your money within your estate vs CRA.
Growing technologically, professionally and personally:
Roman recently attended the Dynamic Leaders Council 2016 where he got the opportunity to spend time with award-winning portfolio managers and hear their opinions on the markets and their portfolios. Roman took a lot of valuable insight home with him covering areas such as the economy and financial markets. With the recent BREXIT vote in U.K. Roman will also be attending a Manulife Conference from July 6th to July 9th to get an update on the economy and better understanding on how things may be impacted due to the June 23rd vote in U.K.. This is a direct cost to Roman, however this is a worthwhile expense to get a better understanding with regards to the financial markets. Furthermore, gives Roman an opportunity to meet and discuss directly with the portfolio managers their strategies and opinions, an invaluable opportunity for insight to be able to better service and advise clients on their investments.
Steven is looking at completing all the requirements of the Canadian Investment Funds course so that in July he can become a Licensed Assistant for Roman A. Groch. Megan is also looking forward to preparing for her course and is enrolling late summer for the Canadian Investment Funds course. Her goal is within the next year to also become Licensed in order to be able to better service our clients.
WealthTracker – It has come to our attention that several of our clients have experienced downtime with regards to WealthTracker. Please call our office if you are experiencing difficulties signing into WealthTracker and we will switch you over immediately to the new system which seems to be much more stable.
Recent News: BREXIT - U.K Citizens have voted June 23 2016
The vote for the UK to leave the European Union has voted in favour to leave, with ending results of 52% to leave, and 48% to stay. Once the European Council has been notified, it will take at least 2 years and 3 months for the UK to actually be apart from the EU. So as for us, any major market fluctuations we are experiencing as of now are purely emotional as nothing has been set in stone.
Why did the markets react this way?
First of all, the financial community in general believes that the prospect of the U.K. leaving the EU – or "Brexit" – will be harmful to the British, European and global economies and their financial systems because of the increased uncertainty and impediments to trade and finance. With regard to the day-after market reaction, many market participants were simply caught by surprise. Although the vote was seen as too close to call throughout most of the campaign, polling in the final week suggested that the "remain" side had a slight advantage.
What does this mean for investors?
For long-term investors like us, the results are unsettling. While volatility is likely to be high in the coming weeks, we expect a return to normalcy thereafter. Volatility is likely to remain elevated until markets better understand the next steps of the exit process and its implications for Europe. The referendum was not a binding decision. The next British government will require parliamentary approval before imposing ‘Article 50’. This event will indeed lead to greater political uncertainty and financial volatility. Other things to consider include the fact that referendum result is not binding on the British Parliament, and any separation from the EU will take years to negotiate. Meanwhile, companies continue to do business much as they did before and the global economy continues on its path of slow but positive growth. In fact, many professional investment managers believe the current stock market decline represents an opportunity to buy quality companies at attractive prices.
Tip of the Quarter: Planning for the Future? Invest in Good Nutrition
Smart investing isn’t limited to your bank account. Transactions occur within your body when you eat food. You credit your account (your body) by depositing vital nutrients from whole foods. And you debit your account when the digestive system uses these nutrients in doing its job of breaking down the food you eat. Therefore, what you eat can overdraw, balance or collect in your health account.
Sadly, many of us are overdrawn. In our fast-paced lives, the convenience of processed, refined foods is what many of us choose. These nutrient-depleted foods don’t contribute to your “bank” account. Instead, they withdraw nutrients from your account to fuel the process of digestion.
The body is designed to slowly and methodically process and refine a whole food after we eat it – not before. Contrary to belief, highly broken-down foods (like refined sugars and other processed, refined foods) are not digested more efficiently. However, they are absorbed very quickly.
This creates hormonal confusion because stages are skipped in the structured, orderly chain of events in the digestive process.
Our food supply has changed drastically, especially in the last few decades, but our digestive systems haven’t changed at all. Our designer foods of today are far too advanced for the unique simplicity of the human digestive system. Dieticians say our wide selection of “convenience foods” is a contributing factor to the rising rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Twenty years ago, sugar-coated breakfast cereals were about the only convenience junk food found in most households.
Today, for every meal there are hundreds of choices of processed foods that didn’t occur naturally, like wieners and deli meats, breads and crackers, cookies and cakes, quick-cooking rice, margarine, ice cream, potato chips, snack bars and soda pop. Eating these poor food choices won’t credit your account because they provide few nutrients to repay the debit your digestive process makes.
Infrequently eating them won’t put your account in the red; you’ll at the very least stay in balance. However, many of us make poor choices at nearly every meal, withdrawing continually on our good health. To keep your account in credit, choose foods more often that aren’t as tampered with or changed by humans – foods that are as close as possible to how they were created in nature.
Choose an apple instead of a sports bar. Serve fresh fruit and natural nuts at tea time instead of cookies. Munch on a whole bell pepper or a handful of cherry tomatoes. Try to eat more fresh fruit, vegetables and root vegetables, cooked whole grains, and natural meat choices.
Save the processed, refined “fast foods” as an occasional treat and you’ll be a wealthier and healthier investor.
Article by Eve Lees, Reprinted with Permission from Senior Living Magazine, www.seniorlivingmag.com
This newsletter was prepared by Roman A. Groch who is a registered representative of HollisWealth Advisory Services Inc. (a member of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation). This newsletter is not a publication of HollisWealth Advisory Services Inc. and the views and opinions, including any recommendations, expressed in this newsletter are those of Roman A. Groch alone and not those of HollisWealth Advisory Services Inc.
Investia Financial Services Inc. does not provide income tax preparation services nor does it supervise or review other persons who may provide such services.